Parental Boundaries

  Parental Boundaries: Using Your “Mother-Ears” Christina Cowger, MA, LMFT One of the fine arts of parenting in how we uphold and model appropriate boundaries with our children and young adults. It is not uncommon to know parents that want to be friends with...

Second Stage Recovery and Biological Considerations

For years the treatment of addiction relied heavily on behavior modification, abstinence and changing old behaviors to begin to live an addiction-free life. Second Stage Recovery is an opportunity to find deeper meaning and purpose in life and in the recovery process....

Boost Positive Communication With Your Partner

Are you in a relationship and struggling with the same fight, the same frustration or the same hurt feelings over and over again? Or, do you know someone who is in a high-conflict partnership? Couples can easily become stuck in cycles of unhealthy communication. Often...

Christina Cowger, MA, LMFT  


Communications Solutions for Companies, Couples & Individuals

